Thursday 6 September 2012

Dublin Zombie Walk 2 Protest Govt's Fluoride insanity

Why I'm organising the Dublin Zombie Walk to protest against Fluoride in our water

Gosh, Even though I have not recovered from Summer holiday jetlag yet, I have  somehow got myself involved with organizing a horde of zombies to deliver a petition to the Irish Government asking it to ban the addition of fluoride to Irish  water.
I thought that since fluoride is meant to turn us into zombies, and since the  Irish Government has refused to respond to rational requests from scientists and environmentalists and health campaigners, why not  protest against against its completely irrational and unreasonable  position on water fluoridation using insane and irrational tactics.

 I got the Zombie walk  idea on holidays in Vancouver, when  my  daughter and I met a few of the 5000 Zombies who took to the streets one Sunday in beautiful British Columbia for the fifth annual Zombie Walk there.
 Zombie Walks are really popular now, because of the popularity of Zombie TV shows and films. They've  had them in Brighton, San Diego and  Paris, so why not in Dublin, I reasoned, where our Government is using the same stuff in our water that  Hitler used in  his Concentration camps to  keep the inmates mellow, err, chilled, well, zombified, if you like.

I'm a local newspaper turned business and technology journalist who runs a  web -based support group for  people in Ireland who are living with thyroid illness.  In 2006 I was editor of a  UK magazine called  Water & Waste Treatment, when I first became aware of  the worldwide campaign to have fluoride removed from public water supplies. I didn't use the one article I was offered back then in that magazine, as I felt it didn't meet the criteria for publication and I wasn't convinced that the claims it made about the effects of fluoride on health could really be backed up. Many more books and research articles have been published since then, and my views on fluoride have changed dramatically.
 I  moved back to Ireland in 2007 where I have been receiving treatments for a serious thyroid illness since. Losing my job in 2008 gave me  more time to focus on my health and I found lots of useful information on thyroid illness in books and in online sources that helped me recover my health. I  managed to achieve thyroid balance again in 2010 while taking  a very low dose of anti-thyroid medication and  by 2011( last year) I  was able to stop taking the medicine without suffering a relapse.  I was so pleased that I'd managed to sort out my thyroid illness that  in 2010 I decided to  set up an online support group to help others. The site I set up is called Thyroid Support Ireland or TSI for short. It's at There are 75 TSI members now, and  it is through two of them in particular, that I have become aware of how badly our Government's position on Fluoride affects the health of people in Ireland.

The Irish government is one of only three worldwide that demands all water authorities here add fluoride to public water supplies. This is a  ridiculous and scandalous position to take, not to mention damned expensive. We are literally being forced to pay for poison. Fluoride was actually used as an anti thyroid drug, so if you are taking eltroxin or any other thyroid hormone substitute, drinking  Irish water will negate the effect of the drugs your doctor is prescribing to boost  your thyroid hormone.  If you are taking eltroxin ( The most popular thyroid hormone substitute in Ireland) and on a medical card , the Government is effectively paying to dose  you  with two drugs that cancel each other's effects out. Why? I am not sure why the Fine Gael Labour coalition feels unable to tackle the problem of Ireland's fluoride policy, as Fine Gael said it would remove fluoridde from public water supplies in 2000 when it was in opposition. So that is why I am leading a march of zombies on FG headquarters in Mount Street on Friday 26th October. We intend to ask Enda for an explanation on his party's flip-flopping on fluoride. Or we might try to eat his liver. You should consider dressing up in your finest zombie gear and joining us.  We might even make a bit of difference.
You can find out more about the Dublin Zombie Walk walk on Facebook in the Freedom from Fluoride Group's events section.

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